

It is miles simply not possible to provide all the necessary supporting study materials of a subject in A level like Accounting in a single book whatever the length is. So there might be boundaries. I needed to face wonderful trouble at the same time as keeping apart the GCE and IAL questions in the individual chapter because the maximum of the math is the aggregate of various topics. My fundamental be aware, Basic Practice Questions are absolutely embellished with simplest relevant information this is useful to recognize and clear up the mathematical troubles in part of the question paper. I could not provide all my collections of GCE A level accounting questions simply to keep the book’s size standard. I've tried my restriction excellent to provide important practice questions for quick IAL Accounting Pearson Edexcel exam preparation. After all those, there might be mistakes, I earnestly request all to notify the errors right away each time it'd be observed. You get the books at our Find & Pick Outlet. Price only BDT 350/

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My Accounting Books for O & A level Cambridge Students is ready. These books are available in Find & Pick Store at BDT-345/- only or contact: 01676514507.

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    O/A level study resource,CTG provides you Accounting Basic and solved past paper.
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Solved Manufacturing A/C


b)The costs are clearly classified for each unit of production, are called direct costs.

 c) Example - Production wages.



Practice Materials BDT 350/-

Accounting Concepts & Principles

i.Cost concept:

It means recording all non-current assets at cost price.

ii. Business entity concept

It means to maintain a separate set of accounts for owner’s transactions in a business

iii. ongoing concern

  It is assumed that the business is continuing for a long period of time

iii. money measurement

It means to record only the transections which are measured by money.

iv. Consistencies concept

 It means to continue the specific method for the following accounting period of time.

v. Prudence concept

It means that profit is understated, but the loss is overstated.

vi Accrual/matching concept

It means to record all incomes and expenses for a specific period of time when theses incurred to calculate accurate profit or loss of a firm.

vii. Realization concept

It means to record the income after getting acceptance from customers.


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